First stop Lakenheath -
We heard the golden oriole but no sightings from us which was a shame. nice views of a bittern and a marsh harrier from the watch point were a consolation. Also here we watched the activities of fledgling reed warblers which was most interesting. One was begging for food from another which seemed confused by the situation:

Also here on the dragonfly front were..
Ruddy darter, either a female or a freshly emerged male (i think?):

Four spotted chaser
Lots of ringlet and meadow brown:

Whilst watching the stone curlew a small orange butterfly caught my eye and it turned out to be a small copper:

2 of male marshies we seen flying towards the coast after a successful catch:

highlights on the bird front were;
little gull:

Spotted redshank:

Southerrn Marsh orchid (not looking at their best now):

The weather was fascinating with cold air coming in off the sea there was a thick mist rolling on to the reserve in patches. When it hit you it felt like aircon - very nice on such a hot day!
Here is an 'arty' shot showing the mist with startlings and avocet. I should add that there were clear blue skies above when this was taken!

Thanks for sharing your experiences in Norfolk ... my favourite part of the country. Pity about the Golden Oriole but then I've only seen them on one trip but heard them many times. Still there is always next year. Cheers Frank.
The Orange tip is in actualy fact a green viened white. great stuff
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