Getting up early paid off this morning, we got to Lakeside at 7:30 and things weren’t looking good at first with no redpoll seen for the first 45 mins.
Had nice views of lots of singing dunnocks:

And the grebes are courting nicely (shame about blue buoys):

But could not find the mealy when we finally found the flock. There were other birders about but it hadn’t been seen, despite there being lots of redpoll activity in the centre.
Finally at about 9, when on the phone to Simon and saying we hadn’t found it, we got onto the bird at the northern end where it was originally found. We enjoyed lovely views of it feeding on the ground:

This photo shows the very white rump:

Great lifer for me and to have such a classic individual is excellent.
I best get on with some work now…
Hi Dan,
Just found your blog. Great stuff and will follow it with interest.
Hi Graham,
Thanks alot, I try and update it quite often so I am please you will follow :-).
Al the best,
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