Day trip to Portland today, hoping that in light of recent happenings something would reward our early awakening....
This was not really the case apart form a single female redstart and a decent fall of wheatears:

(heat haze was making things difficult for photographing them)
Linnit seemed very active as usual:

I did get a couple of year ticks in the form of turtle dove and swift:

We did meet the finders of the eastern bonelli's warbler who gave us a tour of some of the hotspots on the island, which was very kind and I'm sure will benefit us in the future. On the walk we saw an adonis blue:

many willowchiffs as usual:

They also told us about a good spot for wall lizards, and they really did perform (lizards, not the guys):

Finished the day off nicely with this albino lesser scaup:

Or possibly an albino american back duck...we weren't completly sure... :-P
1 comment:
I'd say it looks more like a Steller's Eider! ;). Great shots as usual!
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