Hi all,
I decided to lug the car battery and moth trap into the depths of Arlesey nature reserve late on Friday which was hard work and I wondered if it would pay off. After getting up at 7am on the Sat to go and check it (hoping it had not been damaged by someone!!) I realised all the hard work had payed off!! Again I'm not sure on some of the IDs but here goes:
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow underwing:

Early Thorn:

Boardered Beauty:

Clouded Boarder:

Chocolate tip:

Scalloped Oak:

Common Wainscot:

Shaded Broad-bar:

and the star of the show, a stunning poplar hawkmoth:

The ones I couldn't ID (names will be inserted as I find out!):
1: Dark Arches:

2: Single-dotted Wave

3: Straw Underwing.

4: Pale Prominant:

On the walk back there were butterflies all over the place, the freshly emerged painted ladies were lovely:


Hoverfly shadow on a large white:

A tatty 5 spot burnet:

And these Roesel's Bush-crickets, although my book states they are confined to the south east so I may be wrong..?:

I also set the trap in my girlfriends garden in henlow and caught many rustic agg. as well as the following:
Scarce Footman:

Star of the show here was a lovely Canary-shouldered thorn:

Really catching the mothing bug - it's great fun and I'm learning a lot!