Few photos from Stockgrove CP - hoping to spend more time there so expect some more soon!
I recently spent 3 days birding in Norfolk, mainly chasing rarities but we did stumble across a few confiding migrants.
One day was spent walking to the end of Blakeney point. Any of you who have done this will know that it is man’s greatest physical endurance test!! (ahem)
Anyway, we weren’t having much luck on the rarities front so decided to go and see the seals! Whilst at the point I scan a group of flying Sanderling only to see that they had a friend with them – a purple sandpiper.
They have to be one of my favourite waders because they are both very photogenic and very confiding. This individual was unusually flighty when it was with the Sanderling but it eventually left them and flew in right next to me where I enjoy a long period of time photographing it having a feed on the shoreline, enjoy….
I did get some photos I was happy with. They were all of praying mantids though. I found 4 throughout the holiday including 2 big adults! Those photos will be in a seperate post soon...
I'm happy with my bird sightings over the holiday considering the time I had availble and the time of year! I think it would be great to visit in spring and I'm sure somewhere along the line I will go back for a proper birding trip with the guys!