We started the day at Salthouse but it's not yet cold enough, and there probably isn't enough seed down, for the snow bunts to start feeding there so we mucked about with gulls trying for wide angle shots with the flash, nothing good this time but something to work at in the future that is a little different:

On the beaches there were many washed up strange fish that looked rather prehistoric - I'm still not sure of the ID but the birds we loving a little feast:

On the way to Tichwell we had a fry up and during this time is rained heavily so this was great timing!
At tichwell the highlight was a woodcock flying in off the sea and an impressive flock of golden plover. It seemed rather quite so after taking a few wader shots we headed to Dersingham bog for the G G Shrike.

We located the shrike just after saying how it was annoying that the forestry commission where working and that the bird would probably be miles away. Where did we see it? In a tree right above the workers - that's shut us up then! It was a very showy bird wedging a large mouse in it's favoured tree and returning later to tear it's guts out - yummy!

The day was rescued by the shrike and turned out to be rather good, roll on the depths of winter!!