Saturday 20 March 2010

A slow start to the mothing season!..

Having read about the numbers and variety others have been catching I've been a little disapointed about my recent hawls.

One hawl in particular stands out - I lugged my actinic with the stupidly large car battery down into Arlesey nature reserve only to find 2 smaller than average mosquitos in it the following morning!

Anyway things have been picking up in recent nights and I now have the grand total of 5 moths to my name for 2010 - with 4 different species..

Clouded Drab (caught in Henlow):and one caught in my garden;and in my Arlesey garden...

Clouded Drab:Hebrew charater:Dotted border: Emmelina monodactyla: Thanks to Matt, David and Andy who all informed that the plume above is a Emmelina monodactyla,



1 comment:

Broom Birder said...

Hi Dan,

Your plume is Emmelina Monodactyla!

Give me a ring if you want to discuss traps
