Tuesday, 21 April 2009

The New Forest

Nice trip to beulieu road and denny wood today.

On the way there we had a red kite soaring high above the roundabout to salisbury off the m27 - a lifer for robbie :-0.

When we first arrived there was a guy working in butterfly and moth conservation and trying to lure some male emperor moths to his females (moths again):all very interesting as when we return a few hours later both had attracted males off the heath and were mating.

Other highlights from the heath was a displaying trippit and hearing a dartford calling, also a male stonechat collecting what seemed to be hoverflys, yum yum:Many redstart calling on the fringes of the wood, one day I'll get a good pic of these:Next for some amphib action with both common toad:..and common frog being found:No sign of the marsh frogs yet..
We had a play around with manual focus trying to pick up hoverflys, was pretty tricky and I need more practise but here is a taster:Highlight of the trip was a lesser pecker (second lifer for robbie) up high in the trees in denny wood, lovely views in the bins, not so good when I got the cam on it:All the best!

1 comment:

PastorFivel said...

Good work capturing the hoverfly, I can never manage to get a non-fuzzy image when shooting insects. Kudos! you just got a new reader!

*I Donate To Cornell Ornithology!*